Internal Family Systems (IFS)
I am a Level 3 IFS practitioner specializing in eating and mind-body healing. IFS is a powerful modality that helps us get to know our different parts, heal past wounds and live from Self. Our true essence, Self is always compassionate, curious, calm and connected—and knows exactly what we need to heal.
IFS in a nutshell
We are all made of different parts: parts that want to be healthy, parts that overeat, inner critics and more. All parts are inherently good, but some are forced to take on extreme roles due to painful life experiences. Many of these wounds happened in childhood when we lacked the inner or outer resources necessary to fully process what happened to us. Our system had no choice but to lock the pain away. Protector parts then came in to protect us from feeling that unhealed pain. These parts can cause unpleasant symptoms—from anxiety to addiction, eating disorders and even physical health problems.
What happens during sessions?
In IFS sessions, we first create a safe container. We then gently explore our parts and learn how they are trying to help us. When protector parts feel heard and appreciated, they can relax and give us permission to heal the wound underneath. After the wound is healed, protector parts don't have to work so hard to keep the pain away. Therefore, we don't get triggered as easily and symptoms can abate. Note: We don't rush past protectors—the process is safe and respectful to all parts. As one of my teachers said, "Slowly, slowly, we get there quickly!"
What's next?
If you are interested in trying IFS, I invite you to reach out to schedule a session. A 60-minute individual session costs $100. We also have group offerings available here.
Curious to see what IFS looks like? Check out this IFS session with me as the practitioner or this IFS session with me as the client!
Want to try a free IFS meditation? Visit my YouTube channel.